Monday, November 4, 2013

Novembers Artist - Claude Monet

Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France. He enrolled in the Academie Suisse. After an art exhibition in 1874, a critic insultingly dubbed Monet's painting style "Impression," since it was more concerned with form and light than realism, and the term stuck. Monet struggled with depression, poverty and illness throughout his life. He died in 1926.

The society's April 1874 exhibition proved to be revolutionary. One of Monet's most noted works in the show, "Impression, Sunrise" (1873), depicted Le Havre's harbor in a morning fog. Critics used the title to name the distinct group of artists "Impressionists," saying that their work seemed more like sketches than finished paintings. 
While it was meant to be derogatory, the term seemed fitting. Monet sought to capture the essence of the natural world using strong colors and bold, short brushstrokes; he and his contemporaries were turning away from the blended colors and evenness of classical art. Monet also brought elements of industry into his landscapes, moving the form forward and making it more contemporary. Monet began to exhibit with the Impressionists after their first show in 1874, and continued into the 1880s.
Monet gained financial and critical success during the late 1880s and 1890s, and started the serial paintings for which he would become well-known. In Giverny, he loved to paint outdoors in the gardens that he helped create there. The water lilies found in the pond had a particular appeal for him, and he painted several series of them throughout the rest of his life; the Japanese-style bridge over the pond became the subject of several works, as well. (In 1918, Monet would donate 12 of his waterlily paintings to the nation of France to celebrate the Armistice.)

Sometimes Monet traveled to find other sources of inspiration. In the early 1890s, he rented a room across from the Rouen Cathedral, in northwestern France, and painted a series of works focused on the structure. Different paintings showed the building in morning light, midday, gray weather and more; this repetition was a result of Monet's deep fascination with the effects of light.

Besides the cathedral, Monet painted several things repeatedly, trying to convey the sensation of a certain time of day on a landscape or a place. He also focused the changes that light made on the forms of haystacks and poplar trees in two different painting series around this time. In 1900, Monet traveled to London, where the Thames River captured his artistic attention.

Monet died on December 5, 1926, at his home in Giverny. Monet once wrote, "My only merit lies in having painted directly in front of nature, seeking to render my impressions of the most fleeting effects." Most art historians believe that Monet accomplished much more than this: He helped change the world of painting by shaking off the conventions of the past. By dissolving forms in his works, Monet opened the door for further abstraction in art, and he is credited with influencing such later artists as Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning.
Since 1980, Monet's Giverny home has housed the Claude Monet Foundation.

CTA Creates Crop Night and Craft Night

Our first fundraiser was a success!!  We had our first Crop Night this past Friday to raise money for Novembers lessons.  We ended up with enough to buy all the paint and papers that are needed for the month of November.  Thank you to everyone that came out to hang out for the night.  We are going to schedule another one after the Holidays.  Remember that even if you don't like to scrapbook you can always bring a craft, bring a book, or any project you are working on.

The Crop Night also gave the CTA Creates crew time to work on some of our crafts to sell at the upcoming Arts & Crafts Fair.  We have so many fun crafts in mind hopefully we can find time to work on them all but for now we have the cutest little sock snowmen and some felt acorn necklaces.  I am a fan of the necklaces - perfect little stocking stuffers for your daughter and her friends.

Halloween Monster Faces - Picasso & Synthetic Cubism

Our focus this week was on Picasso's Synthetic Period.  Synthetic Cubism was started by Picasso and his long-time friend Georges Braque.  The general idea of Synthetic Cubism is to layer different materials on top of each other (collage) to form a piece of art.  Art pieces were created using paper, fabric, newspaper clippings, magazine ads, cigarette boxes, music sheets and so on.

To help the kids better understand the collage concept we had them create their very own synthetic cubism Monster faces.  They had a blast and we ended up with some really creatively put together monsters.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


   CTA Creates

   Presents our first arts and craft fair 

Looking for a one of a kind gift?
Want some homemade baked goods?
Want to help support local small businesses?
 Custom gift wrapping.

Join us for some last minute Holiday shopping and
help support our art program, CTA Creates, at

Creative Technologies Academy
Pine Street
Cedar Springs, MI

Saturday, December 7, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Are you a crafter or vendor interested in selling at the fair?
We are still accepting applications for booth spaces and would love to see you there.
Booth spaces are $20.00
Contact Sarah
for an application or any questions

**You can see what CTA Creates is doing to bring art back into the school by visiting our blog at**



CTA Creates Arts & Crafts Fair
Booth Application

Name (first & last): _______________________________________________________

Phone number: (_____)______-__________ best time to contact: __________________

Email address: ___________________________________________________________

Company Name: _________________________________________________________

Company Web-site or FB page: _____________________________________________

Brief description of goods offered and price range: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
$20.00 Booth Fee: date paid: _______________________________

Received by: ____________________________________________

I,__________________________________________, understand that I am responsible for the set-up and take down of my products as well as the clean up of any trash.  I also understand that CTA will take no responsibility for monies received during the fair and that I am responsible for the well-being of my products.  Any tables used by me from CTA are to be left in the booth space and in the condition in which I received them. 

Applicant signature: ________________________________________ date: __________

Booth #: ______________________