CTA Creates Arts & Crafts Fair
Booth Application
Name (first & last):
Phone number: (_____)______-__________ best time to contact:
Email address: ___________________________________________________________
Company Name:
Company Web-site or FB page:
Brief description of goods offered
and price range: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
$20.00 Booth Fee: date paid: _______________________________
Received by: ____________________________________________
I,__________________________________________, understand
that I am responsible for the set-up and take down of my products as well as
the clean up of any trash. I also
understand that CTA will take no responsibility for monies received during the
fair and that I am responsible for the well-being of my products. Any tables used by me from CTA are to be left
in the booth space and in the condition in which I received them.
Applicant signature:
________________________________________ date: __________
Booth #: ______________________
I am interested in having a table at the Dec. 7th Craft Fair, if you don't already have a consultant for my company - Ahni & Zoe (by Creative Memories).