Friday, October 11, 2013

CTA Creates Fundraiser Opportunities

As we begin this new adventure we have been looking into different ways to raise money so that the K-5 kids can have the best experience possible.  Although we have many, many ideas being tossed around we have two big ones coming up just around the corner.

CTA Creates Craft & Bake Sale
        We will be holding a craft/bake sale this December to raise money for the program.  This is one of our bigger fundraisers and we are really looking forward to this experience.  We will be renting spaces throughout the elementary school for $20.00 per table.  If a CTA family memeber would like to rent a space they would get a special price of $15.00 per table.  Prospective dates for this event are December 7 or December 14.  We will let you know as soon as we secure a date.  If you have a small business or know someone with a small business send them our way.  We are looking for unique, hand made, home based crafters and bakers. 

CTA Creates Crop Nights
      We are planning on holding these throughout the school year and are settling on dates for the upcoming months.  Most, if not all, crop nights will be on Friday nights from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. Saturday morning.  You are welcome to bring snacks, drinks with tops and all your scrapbooking stuff - sit, talk and have fun with us.  Coffee will be provided.  The cost of each night is $10.00
As more fundraisers are planned we will let you know.
You can keep updated on dates, times and locations here on the blog
as well as the event pages being posted on Facebook by one
of the moms.  We look forward to each of
these events.

1 comment:

  1. First crop night is scheduled. Friday, November 1 from 6:00 p.m. Until 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Coffee and water provided, bring snacks.
